Items where Division is "Faculty of Engineering, Science and Mathematics > School of Engineering Sciences" and Year is 2011
Jump to: Article | Conference or Workshop Item Number of items: 4.
ArticleAd’han Yulyandri, Ad'han and Fernando Ardilla, Fernando and Setiawardhana, Setia (2011) SISTEM PENJEJAKAN BOLA MENGGUNAKAN WEBCAM BERBASIS PROSESOR ARM11. EEPIS Final Project. Budiman, Fajar (2011) ANALISA KARAKTERISTIK LINGKUNGAN PROPAGASI PADA DAERAH PEPOHONAN DI AREA PENS ITS. EEPIS Final Project. Iflachah, Emillia and Purnomo, Didik and Sulistijono, Indra Adji (2011) Coil Gun Turret Control Using A Camera. EEPIS Final Project . Conference or Workshop ItemRETNO, MUFIDAH (2011) Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) Pemetaan Lahan Pertanian di Wilayah Mojokerto. In: Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) Pemetaan Lahan Pertanian di Wilayah Mojokerto . |